Our personal trainers set training goals together with you and create an exercise programme tailored to you. Our personal trainers are experts in supporting, encouraging and guiding you to use the right technique and feel. For enjoyable, focused and motivational training.
Our gym, seawater pool, outdoor gym, fitness studios and wonderful outdoor areas provide many opportunities for varying training programmes.
Please book your personal training by calling +46 (0)340 62 98 00 or at bokning.varbergskusthotell@comwell.se.
Train together with a PT and get help and motivation for your training. You will meet your PT over 5 weekly sessions of 45 minutes each and have free access to the gyms, fitness classes and seawater pool Monday-Friday.
Is it time for serious action? Our personal trainers ensure that you achieve maximum impact and visible results from your training. Whether you want better fitness, increased muscle mass, reduced body weight - or simply more fun exercising.
Make your workout more fun and bring a friend along! A personal trainer gives you exercises and challenges to do together to achieve the maximum results of training.
For those of you who are 65+, we offer personal training Monday - Thursday from 12-4pm. Bookings are made to lena.arnoldsson@comwell.se
45-minute session, SEK 495/person
Lena sets up an individually adapted training programme based on your situation and goals. Safe, inspiring and effective training also makes it more fun. Contact: lena.arnoldsson@comwell.se.
Kattis has worked as a physiotherapist and can help you achieve your fitness goals. She offers functional training tailored to your situation and is passionate about utilising the outdoor environment by the sea. Contact: kattis.grande@comwell.se
Contact: katarina.hagebjork@comwell.se